A Dr Shows You How to Make The Changes You Want To Make - with Dr Paul Scheele
Apr 01, 2022
Dr. Paul R. Scheele is the CEO of Scheele Learning Systems and co-founder of the Learning Strategies Corporation.
He has influenced a diversity of organizations and business leaders through his work in problem-solving, creativity, communications, accelerated learning, and leadership development.
As the CEO of two companies and a consultant to other businesses, he actively applies his expertise to overcome challenges, accelerate progress and the achievement of extraordinary results.
Paul’s passion is sharing how to activate the rich resources within the mind and connect this power to live into our highest expression.
Tools Dr Paul uses to move past fear, into being more fierce and on path:
- Paul believes there are untapped brilliant resources within every business and individual.
- The Drop In Process,
- The JoySpring Protocol
- Paraliminal Technology
- PhotoReading
- Natural Brilliance
- The Scheele Human Development Model
Important Topics
- The 3 success-blockers that sabotage most people’s goals.
- Learning
- Public speaking
- Authoring books
- Business success
- The three brain circuits that are in charge of my thinking, my feelings, and my behaviors have built in protection mechanisms.
- When I’m stressed or overwhelmed, these circuit breakers will disconnect me from the power of my greater potential.
Connect with
Website: https://ScheeleLearning.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulscheelephd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScheeleLearningSystems
Twitter: @PaulScheele
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulscheelephd
Other links and resources:
Free Gift from Diane (5 Moves to RESET Your Power) - https://ResetYourPowerGift.com
Free Gift from Diane (Life RESET Quiz) - https://LifeResetQuiz.com
BANKCODE - https://MyBankCode.com/Victory
Diane Halfman's website - http://www.DianeHalfman.com
Want to know more about yourself?
Some people ask me how to RESET their life.
Some people ask me how to be more sensual.
Others are wondering how to make more money.
How to be more successful. How to start a business.
All of these questions and more are what I answer in my programs!
Come see me at http://www.DianeHalfman.com